The idiots unfortunately never cease to amaze me. More than ever before, it appears that people are incapable of keeping their mindless comments to themselves. What ever happened to that good ol' saying " THINK before you speak." [[ Virtually Nonexistent ]] So today I walk into the "Diversity Center" [[ in quotes for a number of reasons ]] & I caught the tail end of a conversation that I wish I hadn't. A certain someone [[ Yes i'll spare this idiot his identity ]] explained, " ALL HOMOSEXUALS ARE GOING TO HELL". Does anyone know of any time machine manufacturers? In that instance, I wanted nothing more than to hop in one, travel back to five minutes prior and enter the room three minutes after I initially had. All I could manage to initially utter was "repeat that?" Of course he had no shame in his comment so the words full heartedly seaped from his mouth once more.
The last word trickled out in slow motion, every word articulated perfectly, in a voice that the devil himself would possess. Rage ran through my entirety and in the next instance I was quickly moving towards him, with the coldest eyes. He returned my glance with an expression of complete misunderstanding. [[ Figures ]] I then quickly punched him directly in the mouth and walked away. I had no words for him. He just had to be punished for his stupidity and though majority of the time I am opposed to offering physical consequences it's simply what it came to. I was unafraid of what was to come next but to my surprise he stood there, like an inanimate object that was never set to life by Cinderellas fairy god mother. So I walked away, no swaggered and chuckled that I got to play [[PuNiShEr]]. Mission Accomplished.
Okay so in real life I looked at him like I had lost all sanity and expressed that I really didn't have time to waste arguing with him about his stupidity. I knew that bothering to do so would only lead to me upsetting myself because he just wouldn't get it. He wouldn't WANT to get it. I walked away & let him continue being the closed minded imbecile that he is.
I just don't understand where he got off saying that. I was unaware that he was deemed "GOD" and could pass that judgement. People's interpretation of religion baffles me. The majority of enragement came from the fact that he figured that people of homosexual orientation choose to be that way. In today's world, who in their right mind would CHOOSE homosexuality. My hand certainly isn't raised. I'm convinced that if other people saw their peers being killed due to the lifestyle, they would switch it off. [[ Abruptly wouldn't be fast enough ]] People don't wake up one day in the midst of their childhood and decide this is the way they want to be. They just are. Lack of respect for them only makes the prejudice appear out of touch with human nature. Try opening your mind? [[Amusing: Everyone has a mind but not all indviduals have the ablity to think. ]] Perhaps "GOD" created homosexuality and different sexual orientations for purposes of diversity. Makes the world a little more interesting. [[Sleep on it...Dare someone to challenge it]]
P.S: You know we live in a backwards society when we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands.
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