Underneath the starlit sky I lay against a cold concrete slab and day dream, gazing off into the distance. I figured the blistering cold would somehow numb the feelings that my heart sends directly from its center to my mind but they cease to whisper secrets in one others ears. I take a drag of the cigarette dangling from my finger tips and it's end seems like the only illuminated entity within a couple mile radius. As the smoke ascends, his name somehow appears within the haze, forcing me to slowly abrade my betraying eyes. At once the illusion disappears. [[Sigh of Relief]] I sluggishly make my way back into the abode that serves as my temporary dwelling and press the dull colored triangle pointed upward, just to the right of the gleaming silver doors. [[DING]] The doors separate and I enter, wishing it's purpose was to transport me to a more significant destination, perhaps closer to him, rather than a couple floors higher. Nonetheless, they close behind me. I slump in the corner & nothing comes to mind except his eyes meeting my gaze, his soft lips gracing mine, or the love that lives within me for him & only him. Minutes lapse. My eyes soften and he vividly appears before me in his one adorable plaid shirts that he knows I unexplainably love on his slim frame. He strokes my cheek, and he silently mouths that he loves me. He disappears. I reach out into the space but only air meets my hands. [[FALSE REALITY]] My eyes open, only to realize that none of the gadgets or buttons in the cold rectangular box have been pressed nor illuminated. I shake my head & reach out to click number two. The doors open and I exit. As expected, the thoughts do not.
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