Disclaimer: I am a Lorraine Schwartz fan, rather than one of Beyonce . She is the designer of "Sasha Fierce's" Robot Glove. The designer, honored to have Beyonce as part of her cliental, slaved away to make the piece, working her artisans for 24 hours a day until it was complete. Here's some info on the making of it and the glove its self:
• It's made of Titanium
• It fits literally like a glove. BeyoncĂ©’s entire upper arm was cast in wax so that the titanium piece would wrap perfectly.
• It’s actually several pieces, including a ring, a glove and a separate component that covers the upper arm. It can be worn all together or separately.
• It looks heavier than it is. Titanium is about 45 percent lighter than steel.
While I find no flaws with the glove in and of itself, I do find a problem in the description that I found of the glove. It included these things that i shared but also attempted to convey that the glove was "priceless because it is made out of titanium, an extremely rare metal." I couldn't help but immediately laugh. While Beyonce's glove may be a priceless accessory, Titanium is FAR from rare or priceless. Obviously, in someone's efforts to share how "cool" Beyonce's glove was they forgot their third grade science. Titanium is actually bought and sold everyday, and is used in large quantities to make everyday products like hammers and pens.
Nonetheless, I think that it's an amazing piece of jewelry and extremely creative. I do credit Beyonce for producing the concept of the glove. This is sheer genius & she was beyond successful in her attempts to accessorize her alter ego. It would be sick if Schwartz decided to come out with a line where she sold a limited number of these. Perhaps even a number as small as fifty. Undoubtedly, I would sell my soul for one. Looking at her jewelry pretty much keeps my heart beating. =]
wow i didn't know this..